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Tea Party Parkinson’s victim revisited

This Gil Smart video goes into this better than most. It is the video of a Parkinson’s sufferer asking the Tea Bagger, what about me?  The answer was fast and furious defining THE personalities that drive ALL this Republican crap.

It so reminds me of a decade ago when Democrats and Republicans alike joined together in the City of Brotherly Love to lend a hand, to clean up, to help out, to serve a community. And the Freepers (freerepublic.com) came out in their white shirts and red ties screaming about their lost liberty and freedom to kick people in the face rather than help them in anyway, anywhere for any reason.  I especially remember a CNN interview with one of the organizers, a young man of only 18 who was proud to say he was Home Schooled and spend most of his time learning Objectivism from Ayn Rand websites. Who could of guessed??

Here again we witness the personalities that drive the politics. Which if you failed to notice, is what we do here. Rotten people line up for rotten politics, not the other way around.

And their PRIDE in themselves… These people are from Hell.