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Ted Cruz not ready for prime time SOTU

Ted Cruz not ready for prime timeTed Cruz not being ready for prime time aside, I haven’t heard so many outright lies from anyone in one pop since I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh a decade ago.

Perhaps the best example of how Right-wing evangelicals, or what we now call the Republican Base, can turn numbers into crap is Ted Cruz explaining how horrible the economy is today compared to 1978. Skipping over 2007 of course.

Cruz tells us we we have more people not working than anytime since 1978, or 92 million people now outside the labor force. Adjusting for population, that would mean our present unemployment rate is 28% and the unemployment rate in 1978 would have been 41%. I assume what he did was add children, students, and everyone on Social Security, who in Cruzarro world, all had best hurry up and go get two or three $7 an hour jobs to pay their doctor bills after he takes away their health insurance.

But the real horror I found in these few minutes from Ted Cruz is that he made not one single reference to “religious extremism”, the “evangelical” nature of Islam, or that all this war, violence and murder is done in the name of God. What a coward. What a wussy to PC.

I came across a page of graphs the other day over at PEW Research Center. Though it was specifically about gay marriage, I searched around a few other sites to find the same results regarding abortion rights, women’s issues, evolution, global warming and that most all matters of bigotry, intolerance and stupid have the word “evangelical” attached to it. Not only making a joke of religion here at home known as “The Republican Base,” but religion everywhere in the world. And Islam is the most successful and dead serious “evangelical religion” in the world today.

When religion here or there takes on an evangelical aspect – my way or the highway – it creates the most trouble in the world past or present. And to make matters even crazier, it’s all make believe. Which is why the ancient astronauts packed up and left this sillyass place long long ago.

Another  thing that jumped out at me in those graphs was that no matter what they say, or don’t say, or pretend not to say, only 30% of Republicans accept gay marriage.