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Ten Reasons to End Capital Punishment

“Father don’t ever forgive them for they know just what they do. And so I beseech you to found a religion in my name based on the personal vengeance taken in executing more people, more often, more quickly and for ever less reason.” The last exclamation of Christ.

1) There is no greater form of state intrusion into individual liberty than execution.

2) Mistakenly executing someone cannot be rectified.

3) Who we choose to execute is more often decided by emotion, race and economics than by law.

4) Execution has repeatedly been shown not to be a deterrent to capital crimes.

5) Solving problems through killing is the wrong message to send our children.

6) Capital crooks won’t be putting their hands up as much causing a rise in the amount of dead police.

7) When the government kills people it makes us all party to murder.

8. We end up substituting one set of family victims for another.

9) Compassion and mercy are better indicators of civilization than are violence and vengeance.

10) If we took that eye for an eye crap seriously, we would all be blind and toothless in no time.