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Texas Fox News defender Michael Johnston too stupid to understand Anderson cartoon

Here is yet more proof of just how stupid that mix of Texas and Republican can get. Letter to the editor Houston Chronicle 9/30/2010

Posing on platforms

Regarding Nick Anderson’s “2012 GOP platform” cartoon (Page B8, Wednesday) showing Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin standing on a platform labeled Fox News, I’d like to see a similar sketch called “2012 DNC platform” and showing Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman standing on a platform labeled MSNBC. — Michael Johnston, Humble

The joke in this political cartoon is that Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee are employees of Fox News who are all expected to run for President in 2012. Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann mentioned by Mr. Johntston are employees of MSNBC but are not running for anything at all.

ALL of the people on the Fox News platform are employees of Republican Fox News who are running for office. Which is the joke. NONE of the employees of MSNBC mentioned by Michael Johnston are running for office.

I mention that twice in the hope that if Michael Johnston Googles himself and ends up reading this, repeating it loudly may get him to better hear it down in Dumbutt here what with all the shooting going on.

[Note that when you see head phones on people in Texas do not assume they are listening to music. For it is just as likely that they just forgot to remove the noise suppressor head gear they had on earlier in the day at Duh Range.]