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Texas Textbooks from dummies

Texas Text books from dummies

Well they are at again. This time rather than science it’s social studies. The Texas Board of Education no longer has as many dummies as it did a few years ago, but enough to do what they can to try and make Texas children as stupid as they are. The Civil War was not about slavery, global warming is a lie, the constitution was written with Jesus in mind, and that’s just the top of the list of all their silly crap.

Here are just a few of the quotes from the new Texas textbooks on Global Warming:

“Scientists agree that Earth’s climate is changing. They do not agree on what is causing the change. Scientists who study the issue say it is impossible to tell if the recent small warming trend is natural, a continuation of the planet’s recovery from the more recent ‘Little Ice Age,’ or unnatural, the result of human greenhouse gas emissions.”

“Scientists believe the Earth is absorbing more of the sun’s harmful rays….Some scientists say it is natural for the Earth’s temperature to be higher for a few years. They predict we’ll have some cooler years and things will even out.”

Would you gather a guess on where that came from, word for word? Yes indeed, the Koch Brothers funded HEARTLAND INSTITUTE is writing Texas Social Science books.