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The Clown family of Ron Paul and Rand Paul are the Tea Party

I went to a Tea Party down here in Dumbutt last Fall to find that though often reported as 60% or 80% or 90% white, it was in fact 100% white.  Every car in the parking lot was at least twice as expensive as mine. The placards and the discussions showed their anger was not directed at some future debt for our poor grandchildren, but a personal visceral overwhelming hatred of Barack Obama.

Being a Texan I get this one. It is because an intelligent articulate black man replaced their fellow inarticulate dim bulb of a good ole white boy as President.  A black man being so intellectually superior to a white man is much harder to swallow than accepting black superiority on a playing field of one sort or another. It shatters their world view.

Now top their angry resentment off with creating an even greater enemy! Off color lettuce pickers, grass cutters, nannies,  hotel maids and finger removing meat packers. Not ONE of whom is going take a job from any of these crackers or anyone they know, ever. So please give them that, they are not class conscience, they will dish out their swill from the very top down to the very bottom of society.

But to be fair, though racism concerns MOST of all this highly vocal right-wing resurgence, it is not ALL of it. They do hate paying taxes almost as much. Well, taxes that go to the benefit of minorities anyway. Hmm… Gosh is everything they stand for fouled by their inherent bigotry?      

The real face behind the Tea parties is not some airhead out on the stump selling books for morons, idiot plumbers, or even right-wing a wholes like Dick Armey, but the man who describes himself as being the Tea Party before there was a tea party, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Dumbutt). Ron Paul racism.

Thankfully Ron Paul is only one of 425 congressman and considered an ineffectual clown who cannot do as much damage as he would like. Though that cannot be said of his son Rand Paul. Ron
Paul for Dummies

This family is so hardcore Looneytarian that Ron Paul named his son after the most disgusting political philosopher in American history. Ayn Rand. Author of the Libertarian (CATO) Bible "The Virtue of Selfishness". Bear in mind both father and son wish to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Workman’s comp, unemployment insurance, economic regulations, environmental regulations and to top it off, both are evangelical fundamentalist Christians who refuse liberty to pregnant women and who do not accept evolution. Rubes and Boobs throughout the land love these guys!  

Tomorrow we are sure to find that Rand Paul will have won the Kentucky primary for the Senate. After all, he is running on the slogan "I was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party!"  As no Democrat has a chance in hell against him in that state, Rand will become the junior Senator from Kentucky come next January.

Unlike his father who is just a silly shill in the crowded Well of the House, Rand Paul will become the most dangerous man in Congress as a Senator as far out in La La Land as was his predecessor Jim "Nutcake" Bunning, that he will use Senate rules to foul up this country and hurt as many Americans as he possible can.

Ayn Rand Addendum

ayn randAyn Rand – Author or Atlas Shrugged – the
story of the perpetual motion machine (free energy) and how it was
suppressed by the greatest evil in human history, The Government.

Ayn Rand is also the author of "The Virtue of
Selfishness" which presents the fundamental principles which permeate
her entire body of work – that self interest and greed are the be-all
and end-all of human existence, while any form of altruism (helping
people) is evil and immoral. Really! No kidding! Funny hat and cigarette
holder aside.

Ayn Rand’s followers today are right-wing
extremists. Mostly members of the Libertarian Party who have found
Nirvana in trying to make Mad Max movies our immediate future. Her
political philosophy has taken root in conservative circles and the
Republican Party and often becomes fanatical.