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The Drone Race, Toles cartoon

drone race

This is something I have been thinking on for quite some time now.  America was once ascendent with the atom bomb. We could use it when we thought necessary, even on an enemy who had NO AIR FORCE, NO NAVY, had retreated into it’s own borders and no longer posed a threat. But it only took 4 years before the USSR had the atom bomb which changed everything in that we suddenly wanted to talk it. So it will be with drones. I am sure the NRA is on this and pushing for missile drones at gun shows with no background checks.

There is a difference here though. As we can see in Iran, it takes a big government and lots of work to MAKE and deliver an atom bomb.  But most any nation or rich Republican can make a drone.  And with China in the mix, how long before they are available at Walmart for even poor Republicans?

BTW, I watched a recent movie with Tom Cruise called OBLIVION. It is all about a future of bad drones.