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The final meltdown, Queeg, Bogart, strawberries and The Donald

The final meltdown, Queeg, Boghart, strawberries and The Donald

The final meltdown, Queeg, Boghart, strawberries and The Donald It’s easy to transpose “strawberries” to “Obama wiretapping me” but the power in this scene played so well by Humphrey Bogart from The Caine Mutiny (1954) is not the actual meltdown, but this very moment in the graphic where Capt. Queeg pauses to realize he is indeed crazy.

The horror off the script is that Donald Trump will never even admit to a mistake yet being a mentally ill paranoid narcissist. Self introspection is not in his DNA.

And neither does the even larger story in this movie pertain to Trump. That a little respect and a little kindness could have saved Capt Queeg from going off the deep end.

No, Donald Trump has brought it all down upon himself and cannot possibly last four years before some one in his inner circle steps up to the plate and blows the Nixon Whistle.