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The guns guns video poem

Oddly familiar… Gun Control NRA

guns video poem

Of course the numbers in the graphic are cold facts, but even adjusted to per capita they reflect 6 times to 25 times more carnage in America than the rest of the CIVILIZED world.  We may be a lot of things here, but civilized is not one of them. But it is okay because we are the most Christian of any of them!  Had to get that in doanyaknow for my comment pals. BTW this figures also reflect our love of executions. You see what a good deterrent capital punishment is! As we will see next Sunday night, it’s the Christian thing to do!

Is there any stink going on about last night’s 2 full hours of the Jews killing Christ?

I ask because when the kids were small they asked me who killed Jesus. I told them the Jews fed them tot he Romans who did the actual dirty work. My Jewish wife had a fit.  A FIT!  That’s what Hitler said!  That’s how they got away with the Holocaust!  I gave in and shut up.  Watching The Bible series last night I got my comeuppance!  “See! See! I told you so! Damn Jews! And Jesus is so good looking too.”

I wonder how many women are dreaming of doing Jesus now? Well at least he didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes like the most famous actors, Max Van Sydow and Jeffery Hunter.