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The Mika Day, Republican Ana Navarro calls the President “the disgusting man” in the White House

Republican Anna Navarro says it all about "the disgusting man" in the White House

Republican Anna Navarro says it all about "the disgusting man" in the White HouseQuite a bit of anger directed at President Trump over the last 24 hours for his personal sexist attack on Mika Brzezinski, but boy oh boy, conservative commentator Ana Navarro let loose with the hardest kick in the pants to “that disgusting man” harder than anyone I have heard on cable news so far.

Navarro did an especially good job of calling out Republican leadership for their softball crap every time this comes up to say they are “disappointed” in the President’s words or “they were not words I would have chosen” or “I wish he would not Tweet so much” responses rather than confronting him to say,

“Go seek therapy, find a hobby, knit, go to anger management… For you are an embarrassment to our country and unfit for the job.”

And if that were not enough, Navarro reminds us that First Lady Melania has made cyber bullying her First Lady Issue. And in response to this gross ugly sexist cyber bullying on yet ANOTHER woman, the First Lady’s communication director has this to say, a reminder of Melania’s own words:

“When her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.”

What is this about?  This is about Donald Trump knowing  he got elected by people who hate liberals, black presidents, the media and anyone smarter than Palin so much this the meat the love most about their fearless leader.

When they heard their pig president attack yet another bleeding woman, they poured white gravy over their camo pajamas camo to run outside shooting their guns in the air while doing wheelees on their 4 Wheelers around the trailer park.

That disgusting, vindictive, bigoted, narcissist pig of a man in the White House did just happen in there. He was voted in there.  Despicably. deplorably by the all 62 million of them knowing full well what they were doing and what he was.

53% of White Women voted for Donald Trump

And they are all going to Hell. Every last one of them…