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The NRA is more of a problem than the guns, Cracked

The NRA is more of a problem than the guns, CrackedThis is worth the time to watch, not so much about guns as it is a history of the NRA. We learn that the NRA was for a century an organization for hunters, then in 1977, literally in the middle of the night it has hijacked by a couple of right-wing racists. We learn that the majority of it’s funding comes from the gun industry which wants to profit from the carnage the rest of us suffer.  100 shootings a day!

As serendipity would have it, this Cracked attack on the NRA begins with an embedded 2 minute long NRA ad, which verifies the message of this video, which is not about guns, but the dishonesty, lies and propaganda pushed by the most powerful right-wing political lobby in America, the NRA.

There are some basic truths to this matter.

We have about 10 times the per capita gun homicides as the civilized world.

Having a gun in the home means those in that home are far more apt to be shot by that gun that those who do not have a gun in the home. The turn of logic in denying that is beyond profound.

Republicans have passed that do not allow the centralization of  data or research on gun violence because it would open up the truth to all lies the NRA sells us.

And of course the biggest lie of them all. The sell to every white man, woman and child in America that they need to many guns – especially after a terrorist act or a mass shooting – so they can get the bad guy before the bad guy gets you. The reality of course is that about 98% of the bad guys will have THE DROP on the good guys because that’s why bad guys are bad guys.