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Town Hall Debate, For GOP to win they must Put Palin on Top of the Ticket

palin/mccain 2008

Going into the debate last night, John McCain had the advantage over THAT ONE because he was so much better at the town hall format. He paced around looked old, jerky and even sickly. He did little other than make his stump speech with those same old words that makes our skin crawl, "Patraeus", "preconditions", and "my friends".

Barack Obama was little better doing his job and coming out ahead. Both were rather boring with McCain sinking in the polls a little bit more. 

I find this morning that I am not the only one who had come to believe that if the GOP wants to win this one, they had best put Sarah Palin at the top of the ticket. 

Palin is the perfect representative for rural America, that sea of red outside our cities dominating every state in the union. Spokeswoman for our small towns where there are no Negroes or Jews, where queer kids leave town before they are nailed to fence posts, where any extra cash is spent on bass boats, pickup trucks and guns – rather than books and dentistry. And where sex with farm animals is more acceptable than premarital sex between humans. All blessed by Jesus and with a six pack you betcha.

And if anyone mentions any of that, it generates so much more hatred of liberals in that rural gang of morons that they will suffer volcanic lava flowing down their streets to come out and vote for the Quayles, Bushes and Palins of the world.
So please.  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Keep it under your hat…