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Trevor Noah, Apple and the FBI finger each other

Trevor Noah, Apple and the FBI finger each otherThis issue can cause brains to cloud up on which way to go, “my” information or “our” security and the pros and cons of each. At the top of my lean toward the FBI side is that the cat is already out of the bag, your information is already all over Hell and back, much of which we voluntarily splash to the world from Facebook and whatnot. So it only has to do with new information, and I haven’t seen anything new under the Sun in quite a while.

But then there is the issue that breaking the iPhone is something Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and the GOP want done, so that right there should put you on the Apple side of things. After all, Republicans haven’t had a new idea since the change from clubbing women to purchasing them.

“So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley.” Hosea 3:2

A “homer” is 6.4 bushels and adjusted for inflation, 15 pieces of silver is $162. which is about half the what the Bible says is a good price of a slave at the time. And remember that both God and Jesus told us to treat our slaves well.