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Trevor Noah, Biden bows out, Bill Kristol always wrong

Trevor Noah, Biden bows out, Bill Kristol always wrongGoing against the grain I never thought that Joe Biden would get in the race, after all he has lost twice before, it’s dirty work, and would make him historically the spoiler to keep us from our first Madam President.

I also lost confidence in both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders for jumping on Hillary Clinton for saying the enemies she is most proud of having are the NRA and Republicans. What political crap for not understanding that Ayatollahs, Putin and people blowing themselves up is all far away and of little real concern to the lives of Americans who are not hiding under beds in a puddle of urine and an assault rifle. While the Republican party – now controlled by white-wing crazies – has it’s only purpose to take from those with the least to give to those with the most, the celebration of gun violence and religious intolerance, wallowing in ethnic bigotry, while actively trying to destroy the United States government is our biggest everyday problem for everyone in everything we do here and now.

And a reminder of one of the worst in that game, Bill Kristol who has been more wrong about more things than anyone in American history. Who more than any other single person is most responsible for getting us into the Iraq War. Even with that horror show aside he predicted Barack Obama had no chance against Hillary Clinton, that Sarah Palin was the best choice for John McCain, that Americans would most like to see Dick Cheney in the White house in 2016, that Donald Trump would  go nowhere and that Joe Biden will announce he is running for president tomorrow.

@BillKristol – 9:24 AM – 20 Oct 2015
Biden confirms to Obama at lunch today he’s running, announces at U Delaware tomorrow. You can feel the Joementum!