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Trevor Noah makes a fool of Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes, Daily Show

Trevor Noah makes a fool of Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes, Daily Show

Trevor Noah makes a fool of Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes, Daily ShowSteve Bannon, hero or schmuck? Even considering all the horrid baggage this man carries, the hero of the Alt Right, of Neo Nazis, of the Klan, of White Supremacists, of Russia and Trump, but does not his war to utterly destroy the Republican Party make him a hero to the Democratic Party?

Ah, when politics trumps what’s right. Like the political harm Antifa causes while they are otherwise right. Or the buffoonery of Donald Trump helping Democrats in the next elections while he is otherwise wrong. Or Bill Maher, Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens being right about Muslims which only makes things worse. Dichotomy’s, conundrums and confusion…