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Trump Claims About Obama and Clinton Ties to ISIS Sarcasm – John Oliver

 Trump Claims About Obama and Clinton Ties to ISIS Sarcasm - John Oliver

John Oliver recaps the past week in American election news, a tame title only if you’ve been on a desert island and unaware of Donald Trump and his claim that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are the troop leaders of ISIS.
Hillary did boring and accepted things this week, like release her tax forms and get a fabulous new haircut, two things Donald Trump never has –  and  never will do.

However, Trump did give a dull, boring speech by reading a teleprompter. That effort is what I believe, prompted his controversial ISIS and Second Amendment remarks directed at Hillary, later in the week.  Trump may have gotten pats on the head from fellow Republicans for acting like a good candidate, but he simply had to get the boring taste out of his mouth with a couple of nasty controversies.  The truly hilarious aspect to Trump’s latest foot-in-mouth comments are the attempts by articulate Republicans to interpret it all for him. They are throwing him a verbal life-line, by using their own facility with language.

Will Trump take the proffered life-line, or will he pull out a pair of wee-tiny scissors and cut the sucker off?!