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Trump’s Dangerous Intelligence Failure – video

Trump's Dangerous Intelligence Failure  - video

. Donald Trump  sweeps aside CIA evidence that Russia had a direct hand in our presidential election, as easily as he dismissed campaign promises to fans, to “lock her up.” Both – Russia’s meddling, and Trump’s campaign lies are equal – to him. It’s likely that he can’t see, nor does he care to see the results, beyond boosting his name recognition and ratings of his TV show. Vladimir Putin couldn’t have created a more perfect dupe in a laboratory.
I’m amazed that we’ve known about Trump’s ties to Russia for so long, and made so little of it. The paragraph below is from TIME, Aug. 2, 2016:

Trump’s de facto campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian-backed president of Ukraine who was overthrown in 2014. Manafort also has done multi million-dollar business deals with Russian oligarchs. Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page has his own business ties to the state-controlled Russian oil giant Gazprom. … Another Trump foreign policy adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, flew to Moscow last year to attend a gala banquet celebrating Russia Today, the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, and was seated at the head table near Putin.

As more evidence mounts that Russians have played an obvious part in placing the puppet dummy in office, Keith Olbermann draws a chilling historical  parallel.