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Trump’s “I Alone Can Fix It” and a TrumpCare Miracle! – Keith Olbermann

Trump's "I Alone Can Fix It" and a TrumpCare Miracle! - Keith Olbermann

Trump's "I Alone Can Fix It" and a TrumpCare Miracle! - Keith Olbermann

Trump and Paul Ryan’s attempt to gut Obamacare failed, but their proposed plan was working miracles from God – even before the failed vote took place, according to Lexington, Tennessee Trump supporter, Charla McComic. McComic’s son lost his job, but was able to reduce his insurance premium from $567 to $88 a month. It is “a blessing from God,” which McComic attributes  to Trump, saying; “I think it was just because of the tax credit.” She was speaking of the failed Trump-Ryan scheme, not Obamacare – which of course was responsible.

 McComic spoke of the campaigning she and her friends have done for Trump:
“Who else would we do this for, besides Trump?’ We agreed on the Lord. We would stand here for the Lord, but that’s about it.”

Another Trumpidiot?  Brace yourself, McComic is a retired school teacher.

Keith Olbermann recalls Trump’s words in July of 2016;  “I alone can fix it.”
We’re reminded of Iraq and Turkey, and their  experience with leaders who took advantage of fixing things, after they’d broken them. They too had a gullible, fearful populace and true believers.
On the bright side, maybe Trump doesn’t have a plan. He could just be crazy or stoned…But what about the others around him?  Trump is working with someone who isn’t bashful about his plans to break things. In 2013 – the current White House Chief Strategist,Steve Bannon told Daily Beast:

“I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal tool. I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today’s establishment.”