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Ugly Donald Trump’s Long History of Mocking People’s Looks – video

Ugly Donald Trump’s Long History of Mocking People’s Looks - video

If  pointing and calling people moronic names like fat and ugly was Trump’s only fault, we could dismiss him as an idiotic and insecure windbag..But thanks to our Republican friends and neighbors we can’t entirely dismiss him at all. I want to take a moment and thank them for that.

Trump defends his insufferably childish insults by saying “looks matter” as if that is reason to call everyone out on their physicality.  The insecure and ill-bred child in Trump’s bloated head, would be quite a hit with Vladimir Putin when he inevitably called him some version of a little poopyhead.

Women are Trump’s major targets. Even beauty queens are dubbed ugly when they don’t kowtow to him with the same gusto Trump’s future wives exhibit while auditioning.

Ugly is as ugly does.  It occurred to me today that we’re long, actually years overdue for an update from Trump’s legendary ace investigator. I assume he isn’t charging Trump an hourly rate to look for the President’s (other) birth certificate.  ; )

A friend wrote today and reminded me that a majority can elect the man who best represents them. If our countrymen and women feel that a racist misogynist with a vindictive streak will best lead our country, then that is the president they shall have and deserve…But we don’t. What a diplomat he will make.

Pssst…The smart money is in fall-out shelters again.