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Utah declares .45cal M1911 State Gun of Utah!

Congratulations Utah! Obviously having solved the prevalent problems of poverty, joblessness, and health care, lawmakers are devoting their undivided attention to declaring a state gun. Every state has a flower, bird, song and other symbols – ho hum, obviously Utah would be the first with this particular symbol.

Republican Rep. Carl Wimmer, the sponsor of the bill, has said the measure aims to honor Browning. His .45 caliber M1911 was used as a standard U.S. Army sidearm from 1911 to 1985. That’s nostalgic, and will certainly remind many of good times!

Certainly other states will follow suit for indiscernible reasons of their own. I wonder if it is possible for aany other state to wimp out with less than a .45?  I am told from the kitchen that’s a YES! A Clint Eastwood .44 magnum is sure to be sought after. Will this become a nation wide small arms race?

I also hear from the Kitchen that had Mr Loughner used the state gun of Utah, Gabby Giffords would be 6 feet under rather than in Rehab.