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VIDEO: Alaska retard Sarah Palin versus Quahog retard Peter Griffin

"My dad’s an accountant, and my mom’s the former governor of Alaska." Family Guy cartoon character Ellen who has a touch of Downs.

I watched this episode of FAMILY GUY the other night and said to myself. "Self, Seth MacFarlane has specifically called Sarah Palin out for a political correctness brawl!"

And sure enough the airhead from Wasilla took the bait hook, whine and sucker. Not sure what MacFarlane has planned but I am sure it will be really funny! Which will also be all over cable news for days on end! I love it being FOX too…  Of course this will all make her fans even more enamored to her, which of course is the whole point of all this, going from millionaire to multi millionaire on the back of anger and ignorance. Sarah Palin says MacFarlane gave her a kick in the gut
Here is the song done by Stewie and Chris, My Down Syndrome Girl.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not play the Political Correctness game no matter it may be the correct thing to do. For, it has been the single most successful process Conservatives have used over the past generation for wingnuts to control America. Painting Liberals as in your face finger waving Nazi totalitarian nanny-state a wholes has worked beyond their wildest dreams. And now with Palin (the Right) publicly taking up the mantle of PC I have to wish her well, far down the well. Kick pages on Political Correctness

Even Rush Limbaugh who has for 2o years used PC as his central game in demonizing liberals managed to stay consistent and threw "RETARD" in Palin’s face three per sentence. Of course she just kindly accepted that because that Rush Limbaugh is just so darn attractive don’t you know.