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VIDEO: Austin Friends didn’t see pilot Joseph Stacks passion for IRS feud

If Joseph Stack‘s friends were clueless, he couldn’t have had any, or he must not have shared his philosophy of taxes and the illegality of the IRS. I find the latter difficult to believe. If you’ve known someone who is into this fringe, cultish movement, they approach it with the
evangelical zeal of a new religious convert combined with an old school Amway sales-person. In Stack’s case it was said to be his passion. This, combined with the actions taken before his flight and his 3,000 word manifesto, which can be read in the first link,  suggest a man whose anger would be nearly impossible to miss."Nothing changes unless there is a body count," Stack wrote in the 3,000 word essay on everything from the tax code to Catholicism. He obviously had no problem in taking as many good people as possible along with him, including his own family. Fortunately, the "body count" wasn’t anywhere near what he’d planned, one unfortunate employee, and himself.