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Video: Bill Maher interview Rich Tillman on Pat Tillman

The kickass fact that makes this so much more upsetting that I found it yesterday is that in Iraq and Afghanistan 52% of American casualties are from friendly fire.

I was in that position a few years ago. The only speaker in front of a
few hundred at my best friend’s funeral, other than the ministers
droning on about that happy life with God. I wanted to unload just
as we see Richard doing here, but looking at that front row of family
believers there was no way. For a week I had to pretend. Still do when I
am near them. That is about the only thing religion is good for.
Pretending the dead are alive and playing sheepshead with God.

BTW, if you ever have to go up there and do that, that front row will
choke you up, keep your gaze at the back.