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Video: Chris Matthews eviscerates Rick Lazio

Here we have the face of the GOP. Not some Tea Party nut or angry Southern cracker, but North East Moderate Republican. Please keep that in mind come November.

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Who could not want to ring his neck? 

It’s not so much the religious intolerance and bigotry, it’s the dishonesty, the semantic mumbo jumbo, the refusal to deal honestly with the facts. Dealing from the bottom of marked deck full of jokers. This runs through not only Tea Party speeches, the Internet Brietbarts, Fox News, the Becks, the Palin Tweets but the RNC as well. None of them can look you in the eye and give an honest answer to anything at all. Everything they say has to be soaked in semantic drool of one sort or another.

Republican politicians and their backup cannot stand up and actually speak their hearts. To loudly express how much they don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves, how they want to redistribute the wealth ever upwards, how much they enjoy their violent solutions and how intensely they hate paying for services which include Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, Non Christians, immigrants and foreigners. Did I miss anyone? The conservative militaristic Neo Con movement has taken the pressure off the Jews though hey? 

It is why we have been the only country without national health care until this year. And why next year if the GOP wins the House, they intend to repeal what little we did pass. It is the first rail of Republican Politics. I do not want my money going to people less white or less Christian than I. A war against those who suffer an unpopular chance of birth. And it works here in the United States of Duh.  Kick! The Political Philosophy Pages