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Video collage of Kellyanne Conway saying Trump is a liar and purveyor of fake news

Video collage of Kellyanne Conway saying Trump is a liar and purveyor of fake news

Video collage of Kellyanne Conway saying Trump is a liar and purveyor of fake newsWow! Hey! Kellyanne Conway just a year ago saying what Democrats, Never Trumpers and the entire world have to say about Trump before he won the primary to literally overnight go from NEVER TRUMP to his leading surrogate and supporter.

What is that called when in a moment you deny everything you believed a day before to the very opposite of what you believe the following day?

Hypocrisy is not the right word because that no longer matters one wit to Republicans. Epiphany of the corrupt heart? A liar yesterday or a liar today? Someone who only cares about themselves? Loyalty shifting with the wind? No cancel that, loyalty shifting with the money. Or just being a lying sack of shit?

As Kellyanne is above all a Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian whose number one issue is denying women an abortion, she switches from Ted Cruz who wholly blames Planned Parenthood for the murder of millions of babies to Donald Trump who blames millions of women of murdering their babies.

And the Pro Life logic shines as every abortion clinic in America has members of every pro life organization out in front harassing women and yelling a them baby murderers and then claiming the women are innocent victims.  It makes no sense, as most everything makes no sense from the evangelical crowd who has been the leader in Fake News for millennia.

And you know, Kellyanne aside, it is not that The Donald grabs women by the ass or owns beauty pageants so he can barge into their dressing rooms to ogle and kiss them in their underwear, but that he openly BRAGS ABOUT IT.

Which in turn brings us to why anyone would support that kind of a person. Which in turn finds the answer is they are the same kind or person he is.

“Fake News did not appear out of nowhere, it has been the mainstay of religion for millennia.” Rack Jite