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Video: Jon Stewart watches a cold John McCain in the backseat to a hot Sarah Palin

There is a very serious issue here that is the face of John McCain in the video across the networks without needing the Daily Show or Jon Stewart to point it out.

In trying to hide his obvious disgust with the likes of Sarah Palin being the top draw for the Republican Party – representing as it does just how far into the intellectual-free circus his party has descended – he looks like a disinterested old man who just filled his days’ ration of Depends. You can see it in his face, in his posture, in his robotic body language on stage, in his eyes…

Unlike so many men I do not find Sarah Palin very attractive. She would be on my "DON’T PORK UNLESS FED OR PAID" list. But I admit this could be influenced by my favorite TV show, King of the Hill where the ultimately UN-HOT conservative homemaker Peggy Hill is a doppelganger for Palin.