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Video: Lawrence ODonnell, Texas GOP David Barton to regulate homosexuality

Texas Taliban Republican David Barton is a very busy man. When he and his cronies aren’t busy banning books they haven’t read and re-writing textbooks to fit their own limited world view, he’s busy attempting to legislate your personal life.

The same party which complains loudly about ‘intrusive’ government, and will battle to deregulate big business concerns which put money in their pockets, can put on a straight face, (no pun intended) and propose that homosexuality be regulated – like cigarettes, junk food and salt. None of those things are good for you the way the Theocracy Blight sees it. While David Vitter proposes that gays and sexually active single females not be allowed to teach our children, Barton would regulate gays and lesbians into being straight!  t’s a pity this is too late to affect many of the Family Values closet, which holds the likes of  Rev.Ted Haggard and Wide Stance Larry Craig.