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Video of Bill O’Reilly attacking camera guy with umbrella jab!

Oh the horror!

"There ought to be a law!" HR2012 ‘Do not approach Bill O’Reilly unless you are a comely female.’ Of course O’Reilly devoted the better part of his show to the incident. At once he is both the victim of a screaming madman, and the tough guy who could have punched the madman and gotten himself in trouble! Conveniently O’Reilly showed none of the clip on his show, the better to let viewers envision the streets crowded with thug-like Occupy Washington demonstrators.

O’Reilly also conveniently forgets his own Dusty Waters, whose aggressive and physical attacks are the stuff of nightmares. Among his victims are Rev.Wright, Professor Ward Churchill, and William Ayers ’60’s war activist, who was asked about his relationship with (then) candidate Barack Obama. The list is a long one, and none attacked the deserving cameramen.