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Video: Tea Party Republicans fiddle while our homes burn down

Come on Democrats, if ever there was an issue to POUND INTO THE GROUND before this election this is it. Republicans are standing up defending this! This is what the Tea Party stands for.

This issue SHOULD BE the turning point in this election. Here you have it, our Tea Party future. That mix of God Fearing, Libertarian, no taxes BULLSHIT!

It is not so much these extortionist firemen calmly watching someones home burn down. Rather it the Tea Party and the GOP standing up for them. 

This is the essence of Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Joe Miller, Sharon Angle, Cato, John Stossel, Mad Max, the Libertarian Party, the Tea Party and the Republicans who have allowed these disgusting people to take over the GOP.

It is not just letting people’s homes burn down unless they can afford to pay off fireman, it permeates everything including police protection, education, retirement and of course HEALTH CARE.

This is the true face of evil in American politics today. Not only this total disregard for others, but the gleeful joyous total disregard for others. Hopefully what goes around will come around for these nasty selfish dickheads.  And women and independents are going to switch their votes to all this come November. MY GOD… What a nation of nitwits we have become. I blame it all on… FACEBOOK!  Wanna a picture of what I had on my pizza last night? Is that whats important to yall?