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Video:Jon Stewart, even Senator Susan Collins is an A Hole

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cAre
We Run by A**holes?
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

No one can agree with everything their favorite pundit may have to say. Well, other than the audiences of talk radio and Fox News anyway.

I have always had trouble with Jon Stewart and his running theme that we need to just calmly talk things over to advance. There is a fatal flaw in his reasoning.

The Right will never ever ever never, under any condition accept that. After all, the anger, the angst, the finger pointing, the lies and the libel are all that keeps them in power. It is what they do. The angry emotional sound bites are what works.

This makes Jon Stewart an advocate of what has put Democrats in the back seat now for 30 years. The wussy factor. As one side screams and hollers the other calmly reasons and the hollering will always win. It is the way we are.

Jon Stewart is responsible for canceling my favorite pundit show, CNN Crossfire, where both sides of the daily issues were loudly argued by competent advocates of left and right. It is important for us to see that back and forth no matter than angst or emotions involved. Sure, bow tied Tucker Carleton was a clown, but that was no reason to cancel the show.

I do understand that above all Stewart is a comedian first, a pundit second, and must gain share to try and play fair to both sides, but there is a silly factor in that.

Comparing Fox News to MSNBC is silly.
Comparing the Pink Panthers (tiny) to the Tea Party (enormous) is silly.
Comparing Birthers (a majority of Republicans) to Truthers (a few nitwits) is silly.
Comparing Democrats to Republicans is silly.

But in his defense, that silliness is obvious to the smart people who watch so what the Hell…