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Why Donald Trump will not be President

Why Donald Trump will not be President

Well there you have it in its simplest form, Donald Trump is a butthead, though I do wonder what will be the coming moniker that sticks to him?

I suppose the best and most honest would be neo-fascist buffoon. Can you name an earlier fascist buffoon?  Hint: He invented Fascism and was so full of himself he became the world’s clown.

But we have to keep it short to be effective, so just Buffoon seems to hit the mark best, but then we can’t have high mannered polticos falling into the namecalling game.

Recently there was a meeting with Hillary to find the right tone for a demeaning name that would get under his skin.  I imagine after everyone in the room screamed BUFFOON someone suggested Donnie. Ah sounds good. But a bit too much for establishment Hillary, who toned it down to DONALD.

Somewhere early in the first Clinton/Trump debate I expect to hear,  “Donald, Donald, Donald…”

You know, Trump is still the PRESUMPTIVE nominee, and it is not yet settled.  As I have said before, I believe his fatal flaw is his proudly expressed, celebrated and acted upon vindictiveness. Doubling down on Indiana born Judge Gonzalo Curiel as an enemy Mexican and then doubling down again to say that when president he will do everything in his power to put Hillary in prison for a very long time came to us in just one week. W have six weeks to go before the convention, two of those a week comes to 12 and one of them may just go so far that even some fat slob from New Jersey could turn on him. Imagine the fireworks that would cause. Wow…