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Will Ferrell vs Robert Redford in Move the Ocean, Raise the River

move the ocean orgCould there be something to this idea of moving the ocean?  What with rising sea levels perhaps we could get the Christian scientific community to look into this. After all, as all good Christian’s know, the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon just a few thousand years ago when Noah floated down it dropping off toads, lizards, snakes and a few silly people wearing helmets in rubber boats.

Death Valley, the Dead Sea and many other large areas of the Earth are below sea level. So if we were to dig a few channels here and there we could fill these places up and build tiki bars around them. Spring break! Wet Tshirts! Beer hoses!

But I do believe Mr Ferrell is wrong about surfing so far inland. Though the initial release of the sea into these areas would create a one time surfing bonanza.

As to the old and boring damn dogooder Robert Redford… RAISETHERIVER.ORG