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YouTube AKA Google Plus Complaints 2014!

YouTube AKA Google Plus Complaints 2014!

YouTube denizens air their displeasure in the sparkling new 2014 YouTube Complaints video from Barely Political! This is a highly accurate parody of the concerns YouTube fans would bring to Google, the questions we would ask, and the caring help we could reasonably expect to receive. YouTube – now owned by Google, is well represented by the aloof and uncaring woman in red who is the entire ‘Complaint Department.’  We know there are no ‘live’ people at Google…At least I’ve never been able to reach any.  The interaction portrayed is how you know this is a video parody.

In 2006, Google purchased the beloved YouTube site for a whopping $1.65 Billion dollars. Somewhere along the line, Google has been deluded into believing that they have the duty and the right to make changes to their acquisition. Each year has brought more aggressive changes, chaos and consternation among long-time YouTube users. YouTubers would be happy to continue the simple life of surfing, collecting, creating, sharing and commenting that we’ve always enjoyed.  Instead, YouTube viewers are forced to register for G+. We are then  required to corral and label faceless people (avatars formerly only seen on bathroom doors)  into  categories such as acquaintance, friend or coworker. How about ‘undecided, still getting to know you’ – or, I would still be getting to know you if Google didn’t change the location of the YouTube inbox, and camouflage it, so that only the very determined may find it, with the assistance of a recent video made by another YouTuber.

I suspect the camouflage is because Google is attempting to discourage private conversations. They would prefer if you communicated on the lovely G+ page you’ve set up against your will, where your conversations are somewhat public for all to enjoy.  One wonders if perhaps they thought they were purchasing Facebook rather than YouTube, as that seems to be the model they are using.

A mixed bag of YouTubers bring their complaints to the Google lady who tricks and evades them with effortless agility.
Hope shines for a brief moment when a cartoon army sends a tank to deal with the Lady in Red. Bob, the tank guy has only one modest demand. Disconnect G+ from the YouTube comment section and no one gets hurt.   As most have discovered, resistance is futile, and we will be assimilated. The faceless avatars don’t require Photoshop or fibbing…There’s always a plus side.  ; )