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Bill Maher interview with Rand Paul, wrong questions

rand paul with bill maherWhat a nice new package. But all the wrong questions.  Also a way for Bill Maher to run from the losing team and restate his old Libertarian bonifides.

This guy is a hybrid of Libertarian, Tea Party and Christian Evangelicalism. And indeed as Bill Maher said, he gets credit for going places to speak where other Republicans don’t go. The sentence is incomplete though for Rand Paul goes to such places to speak and fails miserably at it.

The questions Bill Maher failed to ask:

Why do you believe in no abortion for any reason?
Why are you personally and federally against gay marriage?
Why do you want to eliminate the Federal Reserve?
Why do you refuse to say you accept evolution?
Why do you refuse to say you accept Global Warming?
Why do you support a flat tax?
Why do you want to privatize Social Security and Medicare?
Why do you believe home schooling is better than public schools?
Why do you want to repeal Obamacare?
Why do you want to give more tax breaks to the wealthy?
Why do you think the further deregulation of Wall Street and Banking is a good idea?
Why do you want more prayer in public schools?
Why do you want to eliminate the Dept. of Education?
Why do you want to eliminate the Dept. of Energy and the EPA?
Why do you want to eliminate the Dept of Housing and Urban Development?
Why would you want to eliminate all taxes on all investments of all kinds?
Why do you want to eliminate the IRS?
Are you crazy?

And that’s just for starters…  Listen kids life is more complicated than just being able to smoke pot and not getting shot on the other side of the world. You know, when I was your age that sentence was like an EITHER / OR.