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Bill Maher speaks for Openly Secular

Bill Maher for Openly SecularThe point of Openly Secular is for the same reason it was so important for  gays to come out of the closet. The more we see them, the more we know them, the more we realize they are family, friends and coworkers, the more we accept them. Same with race and religion.

But it is also important to keep in mind the 14 states whose legislatures or courts have not accepted gay marriage. You know which states, which region, the politics and the religion there in. The ones with more guns and god than brains. I love it down here, does wonders for my ego.

I have found that people do like lists. So perhaps this will help. Which list to you want to be on? Who are you?

Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
Ron Reagan Jr.
Tom Wolfe
Bertrand Russell
Clarence Darrow
Samuel Clemens
John Huston
George Scott
Carl Reiner
Issac Asimov
Dave Barry
Jack London
Arthur Miller
George Bernard Shaw
Alfred Nobel
Louie Gohmert
Sarah Palin
Michele Bachmann
Paul Broun
Mike Huckabee
Daniel Inhofe
Jerry Falwell
Osama bin Laden
Pat Robertson
Rick Santorum
Rick Perry
Ted Cruz
Glenn Beck
Bill O’Reilly
Sean Hannity
Victoria Jackson

Where do you belong? Holyhockerlockers! I didn’t realize the sex of things until I edited this… Oh no!