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Fox News Sunday interview clinically insane Texas Gov Rick Perry

Oh it’s hard to watch. It’s like a caricature of Glenn Beck, Rand Paul and Rush Limbaugh all wrapped into one man with nothing in or on his head other than the nicest hair in politics.

I dare you to find one single thing you can agree with this bozo upon. States Rights yesterday, States Rights today, States Rights Forever!  Where is that from I ask you… 

The plan to not only to disband Medicaid and Medicare but also Social Security. Leave it all up to the states to privatize at their LEISURE.  And the bald faced lie that there will be no SS for any young person at all.  That is a flat out obscene lie from a pathological liar who can only get away with that crap on Fox News or on Texas TV. Perry who waltzed into the Governor’s Mansion now for the third time in a row. We don’t call this Dumbutt, Texas for no reason.