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Joanna Watson & American Christianity behind African Gay Execution laws, Daily SHow

joanna watson death to homos

Who would have guessed that the recent spat of laws condemning homosexuals to death in Uganda, Nigeria and other African nations comes from American Evangelical Christianity?  I know you can’t see me, but my hand is up.  ME ME MR KOTTER!

“God Loves Uganda” director Roger Ross Williams has his documentary up for an Oscar!  Here!  Hear!  And we learn that this gay director likes Joanna Watson who wants to see him shot dead. Here! Hear!  So… Hmm… Who do you think is closer to Jesus? The person who wants to see someone murdered for how they were born? Or someone who forgives a person for wanting to see them murdered for how they were born? Your call.

The deeper story here is how this ever growing disenfranchised group of intolerant ignorant old bigots are having to seek out support of barbaric cultures in the Middle East and Central Africa to feel good about themselves. It’s why the Tea Party keeps digging in. They know they are losers and on the wane.