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Jon Stewart, bin Laden dispacthed in FRIGGIN Abbottabad!

We find this fine morning that some of the info that led to finding bin Laden came from torturing people.

So far this morning four Republicans have stepped up to the plate to sing the praises of torture. Expect to here the same from all of them by the end of the week. Of course there was Joe Scarborough – who often sprays spittle into the camera lights screaming at anyone has the cajones to decry torture on his show. Also the expected; Dick Cheney, Peter King and Rudy Guilianni. Though these were the first and loudest today, I am sure more will be on the way in a few hours to condone and promote torture: Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, O’Reilly and of course Michael "The Weiner" Savage – who I am sure would be doing the torture himself if someone gave him a pail. Which brings up the question… Who is the most disgusting human being in American political punditry, Ted Nugent or Michael Savage?