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Jon Stewart makes fool of Sarah Palin call for Impeachment

sarah palin impeachmentThis woman is hot? Peggy Hill in a pea green fluffy shirt? Again, 31% of Americans and 65% of Republicans want to see the impeachment of President Obama. The GOP can barely keep the lid on it until after the November election so not to screw up their takeover of the Senate. But come December there is no stopping this juggernaut. After all, President Obama has passed fewer executive orders than any president since FDR. So if that isn’t the criteria, what is?  I live in Texas so I know.

Hey, just heard Whoppi Goldberg invited Sarah Palin to The View. Rosie O’Donnell has already signed up, all they need now is a steady hand to replace Baba Wawa.  Hmmm…. Who would want that job?   You know, Rosie may have a poundage advantage on Palin, but a kozie slingshot will fair poorly up against a .44 magnum. And who would ever have thought that Whoppie Goldberg would end up as the moderate voice of reason in that setup?