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Last Week Tonight: John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture or Legal Robbery

Last Week Tonight: John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture or Legal Robbery by Cops for Cops

If the words Civil Forfeiture don’t mean anything to you now – congratulations, and may your luck hold!  By definition, it is a ‘mechanism by which state and civil government can seize your private property without having to convict you of a crime!’ Truly get this.  “Without having committed a crime.” They can! It’s a shady process called “civil asset forfeiture,” and it would make for a weird episode of Law and Order.

It is legalized robbery. People who have property seized, are not criminals. The police must ‘feel’ that their assets are worthwhile…er, ‘could possibly be used in a crime.’  Your best defense is to live in a 40-yr-old single wide, drive an old hoopdie and carry no cash or valuables. They are not arresting you. They are arresting your property before it can commit a crime. Once arrested, your home cannot defend itself in court, and even if it could – it would be standing before the DA who authorized stealing it. Our legal system could  teach the Mob a few things!

Here’s a friendly pointer.  If you are pulled over for a traffic stop, I suggest that you stash your cash in an uncomfortable, dark and impenetrable space if you’re carrying over $5.00 – ditto with other valuables, and you’d better be driving a piece of crap car!
The man John mentions,  was traveling from Michigan to San Francisco with $2400. from his father. He was pulled over on a routine traffic stop in Nevada. The officer’s dog located the stash of cash. The officer then informed the man, “I’m going to keep the money, because I’ve determined that you’re traveling to California to buy drugs.” Thank you officer for preventing me from a life of crime I hadn’t considered before this very day. You see, it was the money that was potentially criminal – but don’t worry. The police have better uses for the money than for starting a business as the man in this story was planning to do with it.

They legally steal billions in cash, homes and vehicles…And all for good causes. You’ll see one officer testify that the money goes for ‘toys’ for the station.  For instance, the Zamboni purchased by the Massachucetts DA’s office with forfeit money – is presumably used to strike terror in the hearts of pedestrians on icy days.
The kegs of beer, Crown Royal and a margarita machine we taxpayers helped a DA’s office in Texas purchase, make their office parties all the merrier.

This information may  influence you somewhat the next time the (alleged) Police Retirement Fund calls to solicit money.

More realistic show: “Law and Order Civil Asset Forfeiture Unit” A procedure about law enforcement’s shadiest procedure.Where the defendants are inanimate, but the drama is anything but.