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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave & Mother’s Day

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave & Mother's Day

On ‘Last Week Tonight,’  John Oliver observes that many American companies do not offer paid leave after the birth of a child, which means they probably shouldn’t run sappy Mother’s Day ads.  The show parodies the working mom’s plight in a wonderful  tragic-comic video spoof which will  hit close to home for many mothers.

John shows the faces of some who are responsible for the plight of moms who are made to chose between caring for newborn babies – and luxuries, like food and shelter.  The culprit is often to be found extolling the virtues of the family with one face, and fighting legislation that helps working moms with the other. Clearly, we have many legislators who resemble Picasso portraits.

In this politically pro-family era, it is astonishing to learn that  – the United States and Papua New Guinea vie for the title of ‘Worst Country in Which to be a Working Mom. Again America – ‘ We Are (Nearly) Number One!’  Think of it!  Of the other 183 countries in the world, many of which we look down upon, only we two refuse to offer paid maternity leave. For that matter, most of our moms don’t get UN-paid maternity leave! Psst! I’ve heard that some radical
countries even give the dads family leave. Gosh, corporations are people too my friend, don’t take advantage.

Here in the land of family values, mom is expected to drop the baby on  her lunch break, stick the little tyke in a file drawer and skip on back to work.  You will actually see this in the video, and may pick up some handy tips, ladies.

Hey, it’s not all gloom and doom, things are looking up. Moms  eat free at Hooters – but only on Mother’s Day.