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Limbaugh worried about Partying gym rat & BFF, Anderson Cooper

Rush Limbaugh, the portly preacher of the right-wing,took a break from his usual denigration of all things Democratic, and Obama in particular. Oddly, Limbaugh feels concern about CNN’s ratings. It seems that he has become a voracious consumer of gossip magazines, and fears that reports of Anderson Cooper prowling ‘that bar’ and hanging out at the gym until all hours may be responsible for the temporary dip in CNN viewership.

The "Silver Fox" was clearly touched by Limbaugh’s concern; and the fact that Limbaugh did not refer to Cooper as a slut even once is an indication that they’re buddies. With this new level of intimacy, Anderson shares some facts about the gym with Limbaugh, which he hopes will allay any fear the portly gossip maven may have about such places. Next week: Rush explores the Brangelina engagement and Behind the Scenes at Jersey Shore, stay tuned.