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Olbermann WTF?!?: A Mother’s Death As Gossip Sleaze video

On April fourth, Keith’s Mother passed. Today it was turned into a petty sleazy line of BS circling the net thanks to cityfile. It’s said that a truth won’t make it around the world once, before a lie circles three times. This seems to be the case thanks to unthinking blogs who re-printed cityfile’s trash without doing their own research. Not only did they fabricate petty little stories, they did so at a time when it was widely known that Keith Olbermann had lost his mother and was taking time off to mourn in his own way. It wouldn’t have been difficult to research. It is ironic that he had just stood up against personal remarks regarding the family or health of public figures. I’ll leave it to him to
describe what happened during his “mysterious absence.”

Blogs have only the integrity of the writers. Each incident like this lowers the standards by which we are all seen. Opinions are voiced as such, factual stories are printed with links to the source. When cityfile disclosed that their information for a petty and hateful story came from “a source” it should have
raised an alert, especially in the minds of those who purport to give voice to what we see as the truth.