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Packing heat at the Boise, Idaho Zoo

You will have to excuse the joy I take in reporting on Idaho. It is the only place a Texan can point to and say, "Well, at least we aint as crazy as that!"

It goes without saying that a family openly strapping guns to their belts (along with a couple extra clips of ammo) and going to the Boise Zoo keeps lions, tigers and bears (oh no) from eating people. On the day in question no animals had eaten any humans.  It is also a deterrent for all would be animal thieves and stroller hijackers. Again not one rattlesnake or elephant was stolen from the zoo on this day, and no strollers were stolen or children kidnapped. So the dozen or so gun packers did their job well as there were also no terrorist attacks or Mexicans taking jobs away from any white people.

Of course as you can see from the video below the local Boise TV station could only claim that openly carrying weapons at the zoo is "unusual" rather than the more appropriate description that it is "f**king nuts".  

One little quip did give the rest of the world an idea of just how crazy gunloons really are. One of the fathers of the ten members of OpenCarry.org family packing at the zoo said that until his children are old enough to carry guns of their own, they are carrying knives! And there they are in the video. Looks like an 8 year old and a 10 year old with big old knives to stab… hmm… People who laugh at them? Peacocks running loose? Silly me, obviously to skin the rogue lions, tigers and bears their parents shoot at the zoo. Or perhaps some Mexicans? Or maybe the three black people that live in Idaho somewhere but are presently in hiding?

I must also add that it would seem to the casual reader that Idaho is a right-wing noodle state but in its defense please keep in mind that one of Idaho’s United States Senators is open and tolerant of soliciting gay sex in public rest rooms. So at least give the people of Idaho that. After all, no place is all bad. Well… There is Pasadena, Texas.