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Pam Geller’s Islamification of America, Animated Cartoon

Pam Geller's Islamification  of America  Animated Cartoon

If crazy Pamela Geller’s ‘Draw Muhammad’ contest in Garland, Texas can be described as an event to foster  free speech; then cross burnings by the KKK are just a night out with the boys. Of course, both are repellant and racist.  I’m certainly not justifying the would-be terrorists who turned out, but Geller is a provocateur  and I suspect she is happy with the resulting bru-ha-ha.
Fortunately, Mark Fiore has a lighter hand, and after researching Geller again, he has made a humorous clip satirizing the ‘Islamification of America!’  Along the way, we learn that this is a nation with a heavy Islamic influence. If not for  the coffee growers in Yemen, groggy. Americans would be free of the delicious latte addiction that plagues us, and Starbucks would be a dozy little tea shop.  We would not have modern surgery or the ominous sounding Al Ge Bra  that is taught in our godless schools!

I leave it to the artist to better explain his work, and ‘evil’ that Pamela Geller lives to stamp out.

 There are only so many ways you can say, “shooting cartoonists is wrong and free speech is great.”  Feel free to check out my previous responses to cartoonists being attacked or Muhammad cartoons being drawn.  When I heard about the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, I was curious about who would organize such a “festival.”  (Having organized a cartoon festival myself, I think you can hardly call a two-hour meeting a “festival,” but I digress.)

When I heard that Pamela Geller was behind the contest, a faint bell rang in my head.  Oh yeah, she is that woman who was so rabidly against the “Ground Zero Mosque,” which was neither a mosque nor at Ground Zero.  Since then, Geller has built her own cottage industry of appearing on cable news, building a profitable website and having her organization classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  She’s been busy, to say the least.

Pam Geller and her American Freedom Defense Initiative crew are anti-Islamic idiots who deserve to be criticized.  They don’t deserve to get shot and neither do the similarly idiotic cartoonists who participated in the Draw Muhammad contest (and the poor security guard working the event definitely doesn’t deserve to get shot).  Remember, just because you support free speech doesn’t mean you have to agree with the content of the wonderful/awful/racist/inclusive speech.  Enjoy the cartoon and feel free to add your very own free speech in the comments.