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President Obama trades Florida for Greece

“Welcome to America, have a hotdog!” President Obama offering the EU Florida for Greece.

Obama trades Florida for GreeceI was just reading about President Obama’s coming trip to Kenya where the president of that fine Christian nation let it be known that if he speaks in favor of gay anything he will have to ask him to leave. About 98% of the population there, which is about the same as it is in Uganda and a few other nations in the Dark Continent, have by popular demand criminal laws against homosexuality, some with the death penalty.

This got me thinking about all our bigoted Christian Americans who are so angry about homos but have no place to emigrate too. Most of their like minded counterparts are in Muslim countries who don’t love Jesus.

I just looked it up, Kenya, Uganda, and both Congos are over 85% Christian – just like here – and hate homos just as much or even more than our Christians do here! Get on the bus Gus, don’t be late Jake, Uganda awaits. And hey, don’t eat anyone.