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PSA: Women Know Your Limits GOP Guidelines

PSA: Women Know Your Limits GOP Guidelines

You ladies will find this hilarious PSA to be an invaluable guide in these confusing modern times. The GOP is often roundly criticized for an alleged ‘war on women’ and for exhibiting an indifferent and paternal attitude toward us.  How wrong we’ve all been! I’m here to tell you we needn’t trouble our pretty lil’ heads about such things as control of our own bodies. Similarly, women protest (unattractively) about such things as equal pay and opportunities. Believe me ladies, God’s Own Papa’s are looking out for you!

Thanks to brilliant comedian Harry Enfield’s efforts in conjunction with the BBC, (even) we can understand why a group of borderline moronic men are truly better qualified to make decisions for us and about us! Furthermore, we should keep our rose petal mouths shut, and look fetching at all times!

Let me ask you a few questions. Do you believe that you should have the right to choose whether to carry life aboard your body for nine months and then around your neck for another 18 years?  Are you deluded into believing you are entitled to the same pay for performing the same job as the man next to you? Listen honey, he doesn’t take time off to have a baby! Your hobbies should not entitle you to a free ride, toots. Besides, what are you doing at work? There is dinner to prepare and diapers to change – just go home!

What are you worried about, anyway? There is no need to take a job which could be filled by a man who is supporting his family. Your husband will bring home the bacon and take care of your family just like GOP icon Newt Gingrich did when his first wife was desperately ill. Gosh, she and the kids were depending upon him – and he came through at her hospital bedside!                             I am reminded that Gingrich brought divorce papers to her bedside, and the family lived on handouts from their church for months, as no money was coming from Newtie.  Perhaps Newt wasn’t the best example. I’ll get back to you on this one.
Meanwhile, just Forget all of that! Take a Calgon bath and wipe it from your mental blackboards and think happy thoughts – like what you will fix for dinner!

I know you’ll agree that women have no place in government – nor in discussing government, unless they are ‘special’ like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. . Why we won the right to vote is a mystery when you see the scientific evidence presented here. You see, there is a difference between men and women! You knew that, else Eve wouldn’t have been talking to a snake. We are simply different mentally…And emotionally! We carry on like John Boehner, at the drop of a hat!  The PSA does a wonderful job of explaining our differing intellectual capabilities. Just watch how easily men absorb information and logically file it for  easy retrieval – assuming his office assistant has done the filing. Compare this to the brains of women in a learning situation. Women’s brains soon become overwhelmed and befuddled!  Thus, a university education is not only wasteful, it is a tragedy to the sad and frankly homely young women who attempt to compete with men in the intellectual arena.

It is obvious that the best course of action is to keep women and the lower classes ignorant. To educate them is cruel and a waste of time and money.To think, I have railed against the overly expensive cost of a college education, the lack of which hastens and extends our underclass, while other countries make advanced education free. Those poor pathetic women. We cannot afford to educate everyone. To do so would require the taxation of the very wealthy, and even my wee brain knows that is a very bad thing…I heard Bill O’Reilly say so!  Oh, and by the way, this evidence – is every bit as verifiable as anything which has ever come from Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney’s own lips.

Comedy legend Harry Enfield of the BBC created this video PSA which serves double duty as a helpful guide to American women who wish to ‘go along and get along’ in this man’s world as created by the GOP
My Stepford programming takes over when I am unaware, so do not address complaints to me.