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Redistribution of Brains a 2008 Election Mandate

redmap  I read today that Obama failed to win even one county in Oklahoma and statewide he lost to McCain 2 to 1. Also 56% of the voters in Oklahoma said in the exit polls they were Evangelical Christians. As is The Word, Hillbillies.

The red and blue divide is no longer about white versus black, rich versus poor or even rural versus urban. It is now smart versus stupid. Intellectual versus anti-intellectual. Secular versus God fearing Goobers.  

Our new President will have to reach his hand across the isle, he will have to lead from a Center position, he will have to put our national security (wars) above where we thought he was during this election, Barack Obama has to play nice. 

But I don’t, and neither do you.  And I hope to Hell Congress gives them a well deserved kick in the ass.

As a veteran I have not flown the flag of my country in my yard for a generation because I did not want any intelligent people who may happen through Dumbutt here, thinking I was as much of a right-wing reactionary dim bulb as my neighbors. As is The Truth, Hillbillies.  That has now changed. I have the flag flying right now for no reason my neighbors can discern.

Recently in the Primaries Barack Obama gave these Hillbillies a little jab by saying they “cling to guns and religion”. What he meant to say (had he not been running for office) was that the biggest voting bloc in America are Hillbillies (no matter what their elevation) who wallow in gungoonery and religious fanaticism because they are ignorant uneducated bigots.

The GOP is now on a path to cleanse itself from any moderate influences. Soon the most disgusting people in America will be the ONLY part of the Republican Party.  Perhaps they need a new name?  We once called them Puritans, Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, White Trash, the Moral Majority, the Religious Right and of course, Those White People in the Trailer with all the Guns and Snakes Who Marry their Cousins. Well, with 67% of Republicans saying they want Sarah Palin to be their nominee for president in 2012, can we call these people Palinites?  Palindrones? Or just stick to Hillbillies?  

So what can we do about these people? How can we help bring them into our more human community? We can’t deport them, there is no keeping them from voting or shutting them up, but we could educate them you betcha!

What if we were to mandate that all Americans can go to college free with a requirement that everyone pass compulsory courses in world geography, Western Civilization, Eastern Civilization, Anthropology, comparative religion, biology, environmental science, world literature and at least one class in multicultural studies.

The bane of religious dogmatism is a freely educated populace. Imagine what six hours of college classes would accomplish rather than six hours of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. A light bringing Hillbilly American out of the Dark Ages.  Well… If we can keep them from marrying their cousins anyway.