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Stupid Texas rural votes want to hit kids with a board at school and at home

“Bring unto me the little children so I can slap the crap out of them.” Jesus Christ, American version

Texas likes to hit kidsIn defense of the rural American voter being stupid I must say that after reading this article I have even less defense that I did yesterday. I implore you to read the article in the Houston Chronicle by Mark Collette Texas holds tight to tradition on corporal punishment.

The findings are part of a Chronicle anualysis of U.S. Department of Education data collected from across the nation, including more than 45,000 campuses in the 19 states that allow corporal punishment at school.

I would really like everyone reading this to read that article. For I can think of no topic that better explains the WHO of stupid rural American voters. Especially in the South, for I am sure you can imagine what the map of the 19 states looks like who hit little kids with a board in public schools. So let me just list some highlights for you. BTW this also goes hand  and hand with dragging people down the hall to be killed by the state. And not to forget the guns. God is Violence.

Most Americans believe in hitting kids is a good idea, in this the most Christian nation on Earth.
The hitting is done with a 3/4 inch wooden paddle about  2 feet long.
Over 30,000 children are beaten with this board in Texas public schools each year.
Those who are beaten most often are African American boys and disabled children. Believe it or not. In the name of Jesus.
In the states approving schools smacking children with a board they also approve and codify parents doing the same.
In 2012 Texas required parents be notified that their kids would be hit with a board. Few if any say no.
The school districts in the major population centers of Texas do not allow it as there are enough minorities on school boards and city counsels to stop it.
Though African Americans like to slap their kids around more than any other group they don’t like white people doing it for them. Shades of slavery.
The more Christian the more hitting.

That’s just a few of the points covered. One other point made is that in these rural areas where slapping kids around is the proud, loud norm, Christian conservative values get ever more deeply entrenched. The smart kids all leave as soon as they turn 18 – except the Bud and Meth and crowd – leaving the rest to hunker down into that ever growing ugly intolerant bubble of theirs.

The good news is hitting children is on the decline both in the public and private sphere. Though state wide bans on hitting children are all but impossible in Texas and the rest of the old confederacy. Slapping kids is not just a dominate Christian and Family value, it is also part of Southern Heritage. Like YOU CANT HAVE ANY PUDDING IF YOU DONT EAT YOUR OKRA!