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Texas Republicans: Keep the tax breaks for wealthy and opt out of Medicaid

This very bad idea is being led by our very popular Republican governor of Texas Rick Perry [who has not YET quite managed to have Texas secede from the Union], soon to be Texas Speaker of the House, Republican Warren Chisum, sponsored by Arlene Wohlgemuth of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and a majority of Republican legislators across Texas. No Medicaid in Texas?

With Texas already at the very bottom in giving health insurance to children and the poor, this will affect the 70% of the elderly in which Medicare is the only thing keeping them in nursing homes rather than in boxes on the street.

As Texas tries everything they can to opt out of the Health Care plan from Washington, and as they so fiercely fight against any tax increases on the very wealthy, they are trying to opt out of Medicaid for Christsake… Yes for Christ’s sake. Everyone of these disgusting boneheads are doing God’s work. But it’s okay they are well armed.

Much has been made of the outright lie from Sarah Palin that the Democrats will have Death Panels to dispose of Grandpa and Grandma. Flat out made up bullcrap. While on the other hand this is no lie, this is not made up, this is the real deal. Republicans handing over enormous tax breaks for the wealthy while taking away health care from children, the poor and the elderly.

Or course no one wants to hear THIS, so I will leave it up to you to ponder. When Texas Republicans think of indigent children, the poor, and the elderly on Medicaid, what colors do you think come to mind?  

I always understood that politicians and the media can never ever disparage religious faith, our flag or our Troops, but I had not paid attention and only became aware since Obama gained the White House that pointing out our collective, historic and present racism is also not acceptable. About half the people who buy Twinkies and Vote do not want to hear it. Perhaps the single largest voting demography in America and it’s a shush…